
Simulation Tool to Generate Cometary Coma Images

Ready to do science?

This is the homepage for our Coma Factory Simulation Tool. In Option 1, you can upload an input parameter file and in Option 2, you can provide inputs manually. In Option 2, you will choose whether or not the nucleus of the comet will be resolved. Then choose from six different options to identify which generation species that you want the Coma Factory to save in the output image. After that, hit the submit button and you will be prompted for additional inputs.

Click here to view the help page of the Facility.

How would you like to input your data?

Option 1: Upload a file with input parameters (See a second generation example here).

**Any attempt to abort the Coma Factory Simulation must be done through closing the page**

Option 2: You can also upload everything through online forms.

Copyright 2023, all rights reserved by Charles Schambeau, Pamela Gay, Nalin Samarasinha, and Ian Bauer

This web facility is a community tool hosted by PSI and we gratefully acknowledge the NASA PDART grant number 80NSSC21K0881.

Planetary Science Institute, 1700 East Fort Lowell, Suite 106, Tucson, AZ 85719-2395 * 520-622-6300 * FAX: 520-622-8060